Monday, October 26, 2009


Welcome back, Jennifer, I'm glad to have the company. I like your little post; it's short but very strong, big pictures formed by those few words.

I wrote last night but didn't get it posted before Don went to bed. Oh, I just thought, I could have used the "big" desktop in the living room, but I'm so used to using my laptop at my writing desk in the bedroom corner... Oh well, here's Sunday's effort.

October 25--Franz Mark, In the Rain. The rain began at dusk. Helly was driving aimlessly across town, out into the country, and back. She had been criss-crossing the small town like that for hours, not able to settle in one place, not able to stop. She kept moving to keep the voices quiet, to keep from gouging them out of her head with her nails. She was glad to see the rain at first. Glad to see the life-giving drops spatter on the pitted glass of the windshield of her old Toyota sedan. Everyone she knew had an old Toyota in their past, she just hadn't gotten behind it like the others had. The drops merged into a sheet of water that bent the oncoming lights, and she drove on into them as if moving into another dimension.

Oh, this I really like. Two stars.

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