Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Feeling the Need

I'm feeling more like writing lately. Thank god. For a while there I was afraid I'd spent all my words and should just break my pencils. I cranked out 4 first draft pages on my latest novel yesterday afternoon, which gives me hope that I'll be able to push out 50k words in November for NaNoWriMo. It's a crazy undertaking but it's fun. Plus it's a great excuse to slough off chores and other onerous duties because, "I have to write!" said, of course, with the back of one hand pressed dramatically to one's forehead.

October 7--Japanese School, The Picnic Hamper. Every child loves them, those small boxes with the intriguing exteriors and insides fitted with more containers of various shapes and sizes. I think that's why I've always loved picnics. You carry a heavy hamper full of enticing smells and interesting clanks to a spot overlooking a lake or stream, maybe a view of the local hill or even an orchard in bloom. Your thumb works the latch and you lift the lid. Folded carefully on top is a soft, colorful cloth that you spread on the ground. Once small stones are found to hold down the edges, the unpacking commences. Small boxes of vegetables and bowls of pickles are laid out, wine is uncorked, a cheese is unwrapped. Ignoring the knife fitted into the lid, a loaf of crusty bread is torn and crumbs draw ants from the entire acre. Even if your sole companion is a good book, the pleasures of a picnic are to be savored.

If it weren't so danged chilly I might just take my supper outside tonight.

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