Monday, October 26, 2009

Back to Blogging

I'm back! I took time over the weekend to form a schedule that hopefully I can stick to that will allow me to get in my time needed for work, card making, fitness (as much as the knee will allow), writing and now knitting. We will see how it goes, but I'm up much earlier than normal to write this, so I see it as a good sign.

I loved the post of "In the Rain" Barbara. It made me think back to being a little girl and having thoughts similar to that. Funny how being young and stuck indoors in the rain was a form of punishment, but now as an adult, I see it as a blessing to just relax and enjoy a good book or a good hobby.

Watching Her Leave

I watched her sit by the open window last night taking in the night air. Her face uplifted, eyes partially closed, nose twitching gently. I couldn't help but ask myself if she had found joy again in one of her favorite pasttimes of her seventeen years or perhaps she was saying goodbye to parts of her world as she knew it. I don't want it to be the latter. This brief moment in the window gives me a flash of memory of the days we spent hours outside, her face uplifted, eyes partially closed, nose twitching gently. It is what gives me comfort.

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