Saturday, September 21, 2024

Two Nuts

When I was doing yoga this morning I looked out at the grape jelly dish on the Oriole feeder and thought it looked different. It looked like there was another black walnut in there. After I yog-ed I went out to look and there were two nuts in there! When did that happen? Will more nuts show up? Stay tuned!

A different Downy Woodpecker showed up today for a short ride on a Slinky and then it flew over to the suet cakes. Naturally it perched on the back side so I could barely see it and barely take its picture.

I drew a zebra today. It isn't bad. I made the body too long so it looks a little misshapen but I was impressed with my striping. That took some real concentration.

And I drew a gratitude page today too. I was glad that I went to ALDI because I love the Boston lettuce they have there. It's the perfect topper for my nightly BLT. I've got two tomatoes left from my farmer's market haul (a couple of them went bad) so I needed more lettuce. I can't just have a BT!


It started raining this afternoon. I looked out at the birdbath in time to take this picture of one big raindrop's ripples in the water. It stopped raining for a couple hours but it's raining again now. That's okay, we need the rain. We really need the rain.

This evening I knitted on the Water Lilies Rolled Brim Hat. I cast it on thinking it was a preemie hat but it definitely isn't. It's going to be a regular newborn size. That's okay. I just started the crown decreases so it'll be quick to finish and I can move on to finishing something else--like the Zauber Crazy Sock that only needs a toe.

I didn't manage to write any more than a couple sentences today. I printed off Chapter 1 of Spies Don't Retire to take along for critique next week and I made up a sample of a card to hand out at the market telling people about the Writer's Guild. And another member commented on my blog post the other day that she thought we had a banner. I checked a photo from winter 2022 and we do have a little banner. Saved myself $50. Now I just have to find out who has it, but I emailed LW and suspect he either has it or knows who does.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

The Black Walnut Mystery!! Will there be three?? Will one disappear?? Who's the culprit?? Listen in tomorrow.....