Saturday, September 14, 2024

Way Too Many

Usually I'm pretty good at judging what size container a food will fit in but I was waaaaaay off the mark when buying tomatoes at the Thursday Farmers Market. I made the gazpacho this morning and even put in an extra tomato and ate a tomato this afternoon. This is how many are left. So I guess I'll be having BLTs and eating plain tomatoes until they're gone. 

I had a bowl of Summertime Gazpacho for supper tonight along with a mozzarella stick and some crackers. The gazpacho is good but a little onion-y. I couldn't buy a single onion at the Farmers Market so I just used a big bunch of scallions that I had on hand. I think that the scallions have a stronger flavor than a sweet onion. Ah well, there's always Tums. And there's no one here to be offended by my onion breath.

I drew a flower out of Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers. I think this looks like an orchid. Is there such a thing as a polka dotted orchid?

After supper I sat down to work on the Gray Bear while I listened to an audio book. I'm trying to knit tighter so that there are fewer spaces for the fiberfill to poke through on the finished bear but doing that is hard on my hands. I got this far and had to stop to give my hands a rest.

I got overconfident yesterday about having manuscript ideas, saying that ideas were like a handful of scattered jacks. Well, I sat down today and couldn't think of a word to write. I knew that I'd jinx myself bragging about it. Dammit. But I'll keep at it and words will come.

Oh! I forgot to tell you that Open For Business, book 2 of The Seaview Series, is now available in audiobook form on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. Woohoo! That means that all of my titles are now available in eBook, paperback, and audiobook so however someone wants to read them there's a book for that.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You did buy a lot of tomatoes. Good thing you like BLTs and tomato sandwiches.