Today I Get To Knit With Wire!
At the knitting guild meeting tonight AT is teaching us how to knit with wire. I've got my pair of size US8 needles all ready (US7s or US9s would work just fine too) and I've got $2 bucks in my wallet to pay for the kit of wire and beads because we're not just knitting with wire, we're putting beads on too. Squee! I can't wait. I'll report tomorrow.

This pile of paper was sitting in the "out" tray of the copier when I got to work yesterday. Here's what a closer inspection revealed. I call them "The Cheetos Pages." The only reason there is this few is that the paper tray ran out of paper. Who does that?

I am determined to get July Men's Chemo Hat #1 done today. Ccome hell or high water I'm finishing it. I love the colors and the softness but the yarn's real splitty so putting the hook through the stitches slows me down but I'm keeping on keeping on. It will be done by bedtime tonight. *confident nod*
Roses, roses, roses. Dad's rosebush is loaded with them, so many that I cut one for a bud vase on the table and I'll be cutting another one to take to work with me. I've been missing Mom and Dad a lot the last week or so, so having a Dad's Rose to admire and smell will make that a bit better.
Last night's City Band concert was a good one. The 132nd Army Band came to play too and they were awesome. My favorite was when they played a medley of all branches of the armed forces' songs and asked any vets from that branch to stand while it was played. Everybody clapped for each one, it was very moving. Then both bands combined to play a few songs, ending the concert with The Stars and Stripes Forever. I loved it. This is way too much entertainment to cost absolutely nothing but it's truly free, you don't even need to bring a chair if you get there early enough to nab a park bench.
When I got home I tried taking a picture of the moon. It didn't work well, but I did get a semi-okay picture of the giant spiderweb right outside the patio door.
July 10--Probably Egypt, Amulet, Wedjat Eye. Clayton couldn't believe what he was seeing. Anissa Grand wore a gold amulet around her neck that was exactly like the one stolen from the Field Museum last winter. It had to be a fake, not even Anissa would be stupid enough to wear stolen jewelry to a public event in the place it was stolen from. Half of the police department and judges in the city were there and every one of them had to have seen the list of what was missing. Was he the only one that recognized it for what it was?
Today I tried showering and dressing before blogging to see if that makes my morning a bit less hectic. Not much so far, but then I also decided to switch purses so that took 20 minutes off the top. I need a smaller wallet--and less crap overall. Anybody got a flamethrower I could borrow for the weekend? Off to find some yogurt and fruit.
1 comment:
Can't decide which picture I like best -- the spider and it's web or the roses! Our moon was pretty last night after a tremendous downpour. Suddenly it appeared through the clouds. Almost startling!!!
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