A Perfect Morning
On a morning like this I wish I was up at The Clearing. It's clear, still, and cool, just perfect for sitting out in the early light with a mug of steaming coffee. *sigh* (10 more weeks + 2 days and I'll be there, with a fresh notebook and sharpened pencil *teehee*)

Despite being at home instead of someplace away from home and awesomely cool, I enjoyed my short photo safari in the backyard. I can't get enough of the sea of daisies. Last night I was nuking the supper and kept being drawn to the window to watch them glow. Such a simple flower but so pretty. Now if they only smelled as pretty as they look. The red petunias are enjoying life on the shelf on the privacy screen and the row of thyme & sweet basil on the edge of the garden are thriving. (yeah, yeah, I need to weed them a little, it's on the weekend list) Baby green peppers are showing.

But the star of this morning's jaunt is blueberry bush #2. The middle child always tries harder and this year it's never been more true. Bush #1 made a couple berries, it's the oldest and suffered most from last winter's cold and snow. Bush #3 is the kid, it made a few berries, maybe half a dozen, but it's growing well. Bush #2 is a festival of berries. I picked a few but the great majority is just purpling up waiting to explode into sweet berry goodness. I'm telling you, my Cheerios will be honored to have such exalted company. (good thing Durwood doesn't like them much, I don't have to share)
July 16--Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson, Comedy and Tragedy. The book smelled musty and mildew had started growing on the corner of the leather cover. Jean turned it over in her hands, knowing she would buy it, wondering how she would justify it to Ezra. He complained that he could hear the floorboards groan whenever she brought home something new, er, old.
I thought that was going somewhere but the Sandman had other ideas. I barely got the last sentence on the page when it was lights out, and it wasn't even that late. Maybe I'll work on it some another day. It had promise. It's a work day so I started another kntting project since I finished the Feets on Monday. I'll show you tomorrow. Sayonara.
1 comment:
Those daisies! So sweet. They were my wedding bouquet way back in 1955! Wish my garden pots on the deck looked as pretty as your backyard. We've had so much rain. Too much for some of them. But not complaining.
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