Can't Get Red Fast Enough

Yesterday morning before the day of errands and appointments began I went out to tie up the tomatoes to their stakes. Each plant has at least a few green globes of potential yumminess hanging on it. One of them's an oldie but a goodie, WI 55, which was developed for growing in Wisconsin so we're always on the lookout for it; it's a favorite. Then there's Superfantastic, which I insist on buying just for the name, plus it makes nice medium sized tomatoes that are great for slicing on sandwiches. This year's "pick 'em and eat 'em" variety of cherry tomato is called Sugary. We had it a few years back and it's an enthusiastic producer and lives up to its name, plus look at the shape. Who could resist that little pointy bottom? So cute. We have 3 other plants, 3 other varieties--Roma, Early Girl, and Celebrity--which are all fruiting too but weren't as photogenic this morning. They'll get their chance, don't you worry.

Every morning I am drawn to the daisies with their bright white faces turned to the rising sun and the fireworks pop of the bee balm nearby, and I see the echinacea is making its move to join the morning song of color, thrusting its buds up above the thick leaves. This morning I also was attracted to the cool greens of the ferns and tiger lilies in the shady corner behind the privacy fence. Made me want to pull up a chair, grab a book and mug of coffee, and just stay there. (but the chair was wet from last night's rain and dew and I have to go to work in a couple hours... oh well, another day)
Tonight's the City Band concert in the park at 7 PM and I think an armed forces band is coming to play as guest artists, should be an evening of toe-tapping fun. If you're in the mood, I sit to the right of the bandstand behind the diagonal sidewalk under a big tree just about in the middle of the park, come join me. Bring a chair and your knitting. (be advised, I tend to sing along)
July 9--Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Woman Before a Mirror. How can the outside of a woman look so different from how she feels? Every one of us has been getting dressed, feeling fine, and then this person appears in the mirror. The person's skin is sallow or pale with straggly hair that's a disappointing color, maybe even streaked with gray. There are sags, bags, and wrinkles, the breasts seem to be a mismatched pair looking at and racing toward the ground, and the hips should have their own zip code. We won't even discuss the feet, they've suffered too many years of abuse and they're showing every mile. What began as a promising day has devolved into a mission to disguise the ravages of the years. It's a wonder we go out.
Happy Birthday!!!!! to my beloved Aunt B. She's been my favorite since I got caught playing with her makeup when she was 17. "I love you, Aunt Baba." (Does any makeup today smell as good as Tangee did in the '50s? I don't think so.) Have a good day. Enjoy it all, come hear the music. It's free.
What park?
Thanks for the shout-out for my MILESTONE birthday!! You know you've always been my favorite niece.
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