It was busy enough at work yesterday so that I didn't make much progress on the bib so you're spared that photo too. Whew.
July 1--Charles-Francois Daubigny, Landscape with a Sunlit Stream. Jeanne lay on the stream bank trailing her fingers in the cool water. Sunlight filtered through the trees to sparkle on the ripples she made and little silver fish darted away from her fingers. A dragonfly lit on a grass blade on the bank and rode it down toward the surface. As it neared the water she saw a flash of silver as a trout leaped to nab the unexpected treat. Jeanne snatched her hand away as if she might be the fish's next meal although she knew she was way too big for a fish to eat.
Holy Moses, it's July already.
Time to take a run at the laundry. Who comes in a dirties up all our clothes so quickly, that's what I want to know. Hmm? Seems like I just get one batch done and it's time to do it all over again. Clean thoughts.
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