More Beetles, Less Friendliness
The Japanese beetles are back. They're so pretty that it's hard for me to think that they're so destructive, but they are. They can make leaves into lace in no time. I caught Chester Chipmunk in the grass below the platform feeder. I didn't catch him in the feeder. He's lucky.
I picked the 4 ripe Sugary cherry tomatoes this morning and a bowl of blueberries. The blueberries are gone, I ate 'em for breakfast, but Durwood and I will be splitting the tomatoes. I thought the seed heads of the poppies looked pretty cool this morning too. You know if you shake them poppy seeds come out, right? I thought that was magic when I was a kid.

Yesterday afternoon I played with the lopping shears cutting down woody things I don't want in my yard. Then I piled the big stuff on a tarp, shoved it into the back of Durwood's van, and took it to the dump. There was a guy at the "brush only" area ahead of me who must have had a personal relationship with every branch because he was tenderly pulling each one out of the back of his truck and laying it gently on a pile. *sigh* Since he had parked across the area instead of backing in I got to wait until he was done saying goodbye to each and every old pal. Really. I confess, I flung mine and drove off without a backward glance.
We hit the Early Bird Special at one of the local buffets for supper last night. God, I couldn't believe we were doing that. I guess we're officially old. I made myself a giant salad with lots of spinach and veggies on top and then had a few tastes of other things, and a tiny squirt of soft serve ice cream, the twist kind. Durwood took full advantage of the wonderfulness that is Golden Corral. It's not great food, but it's adequate if you choose well. It's hard to resist the fried okra--and I didn't, but I only had a bit.
I was tired last night and singularly uninspired by the prompt photo. I'm hoping inspiration finds me tonight. Oh, I'll be up at The Clearing for the night. I got the idea while I was weeding and cutting brush to drive up for the afternoon today, to sit in the Lodge and knit and visit with KS. When I mentioned it to Durwood he said, "why don't you spend the night?" So I called KS, she found a room for me in the Jensen Center, so I packed some clean undies and socks and my toothbrush when I got up this morning. I'm going to stop and get my nails done on my way out of town and then zoom, I'm away. See ya!
1 comment:
Nice little impromptu vacation at The Clearing. Does your soul good!!
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