After picking up my dent-free car yesterday morning I zoomed down I-43 to Greenbush, WI where I met my pal Lala for lunch and an afternoon of dorky, historic fun. We started with an outstanding grilled cheese lunch in the cafe--provolone, sharp cheddar, and pepper jack on good bread in a panini maker!!!--then we toured half of the carriage museum (the hearse was the best), followed by a walk down a marsh trail (skeeters, horseflies, and pitcher plants) to the main historic site.
The tour of the main house, which was also a coaching inn between Fond du Lac and Sheboygan, was interesting and the guide was great. I loved seeing the rooms for overnight guests on the 3rd floor; they were tiny with a bitty bed, washstand with pitcher and bowl, and a chamber pot under the bed, but they had gorgeous woven or quilted covers on the beds. Another lady was planting the garden with things they would have planted in the 1860s like runner beans, peas, tomatoes, sweet corn (only field corn before) and eggplant (because Asian veggies were all the rage then), and cleaning a fleece (taking out grass and twigs and straw) that they had just sheared off their Cotswold sheep, Zoot. I pulled off a piece and helped clean while we talked and got to keep the piece that I cleaned. I don't know what I'll do with it but I'm happy to have it.
June 1--Mesopotamia, Headdress. The last rays of the dying sun struck glints off the golden leaves of the priestess' headdress. She stood on the stone altar with her arms outstretched as if to embrace the light. The wind molded the linen robe to her strong form, outlining her wide-spread legs and arms. Her words were torn away as they left her lips and fling behind her to echo off the solid wall of jungle that edged the clearing.
Today I want to go to the fabric store to look at patterns and hit Walmart for a few things. Big Sunday plans. Enjoy your day.
1 comment:
See -- you zoomed again! That's definitely a description of you. Sounded like a really nice day with your girlfriend. We all need those now and then.
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