I'm No Good At Doing Nothing

I managed for part of the day, past lunch anyway, but when I finished paging through a magazine I lost my "doing nothing" mojo and went out to play with plants and dirt. See, I had, oh, maybe a dozen plants yet to be put in the soil and I needed to move the flower kettles to their summer home across the front. I did that first, then I looked at the bedding plants and realized that they really needed to be planted because they were thirsty and baking where I had them out of the reach of devouring bunnies. So I got one of the box planters, troweled it up, and planted my buttercrunch lettuces. Then I had to dig out a suitable length of chicken wire fencing to wrap the planter so that bunnies don't eat it all before we even get a taste. I did that. Then I dug along the edge of the garden and planted the extra basil and thyme, and found gaps in the plants behind the house and along the privacy screen for the astilbes so that butterflies come. Once I watered all the pots I set the sprinkler to water the garden and I was done for the day. Sweaty and done. By then it was time to do a little prep work for the cook so I could go to Friday Night Knitting, where it was mostly just the old guard with a single newbie so it was quieter and a bit more subdued. It was a nice night. I worked on May Men's Chemo Hat #2 all evening. There's no way I'm going to meet my goal of three hats this month but I'm not quitting either. There's always June!
I just got a call that my car is ready (yay! hooray! yippee!) so I'm going to dash off the writing prompt portion of this blog entry so I can zoom away to meet Lala for a day of hiking and gabbing.
May 31--Mesopotamia, Headdress. Gaia was braiding a necklace of amber beads and gold leaves into her hair. She watched her hands move in the mirror but her mind strayed to how Ronald had shut her out of the conversation with the lawyers today. He forgot that all their money was really her money and Galen Warren hadn't raised any dummies. He had taken both Gaia and Rory in to the office with him almost daily. They did their homework at desks in his office where he met with engineers, lawyers, and accountants. He took them to board and shareholders meetings. They had absorbed business acumen as they did fractions worksheets and wrote book reports. She used Gran's antique tortoiseshell hairpins to secure her braid and stood up to put on her evening dress. Maybe Ronald needed a bit of an attitude adjustment. Why couldn't he play golf or dally with a mistress like other men?
Okay, here I go. Zoom!
1 comment:
Zoom is right! That should be your nickname. I cannot believe all the things you do in a day.
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