I'm peeved and disappointed. My car was supposed to be ready at the body shop today and when I called earlier John told me that there was a Lincoln in the paint booth yesterday that wouldn't start so he didn't get a chance to paint mine, he's painting it today, which means I won't be able to pick up my car until tomorrow morning around 10. Grrr. I can use Durwood's aircraft carrier of a van today, no problem, but I miss my little red HHR. And John TOLD me it'd be ready on Friday and this is Friday and I want my own car back. *sniff, waaaah* (would you like cheese with your whine?)
Last week I said I'd buy a scooter trike for LC from the Ambassador of Mennen Ct. so I walked up with the cash yesterday and brought it home. It's so cute--and it has a bell and streamers. I can't wait until she's big enough to ride it... no, wait, yes, I can because when she's big enough to scoot around on it she won't be content to snuggle in my arms for hours and I'll miss that. There's a tiny little bike where the scooter came from too that I might have to buy. The Ambassador said he'd store it for me if I wanted it. I probably do. (I call him the Ambassador because he's always the first one to welcome new neighbors and he carries news from one house to another. He's a great guy.)
We have a chickadee nest in the little ratty birdhouse just out the patio doors. He was flying back and forth when I went out to snap a picture of the trike and snapped one of the chickadee waiting on the back of the chair to fly into the birdhouse. Something or someone was in there rapping on the wall and the house was waving on its post but he was too fast for me to get a picture of him/her in the opening. But they're in there, I heard 'em. He wasn't impressed with me sitting on the step either. Look at the look on his face.

I got the flower pacifier clip sewed together yesterday. The flower's heavy but I like the way it turned out. Now I just need to buy another pacifier like LC likes to thread it onto and it's ready for duty. Once that was done I worked on the Packers with a Hint of Vikings Bib. Maybe I'll get that done this weekend... if I don't get distracted by some other "ooh, I wanna make that" project. I make no promises. I got the lawn mowed after work yesterday so I've got all weekend to plant those few herbs and then do whatever I want to do. I'm meeting Lala at Wade House between Sheboygan and Fond du Lac tomorrow so that's Saturday but today and Sunday I'm free as a bird. Free! Do you hear? Free!
May 30--Egon Shiele, Portrait of a Woman. Juliette had the red hair of a fox and a temper to match her hair color. When she got angry or frustrated tendrils of hair would escape from her chignon to curl around her flushed cheeks and her fingers would curl into claws. People who knew her well knew enough to stay out of her way. Marshall only saw her red hair and gray-green eyes and he was too entranced by the way she looked to be aware of the power of the frustration building in her.
Okay. I'm off to... to... I don't know. Maybe I'll plant that basil and thyme and rig up a planting box on the patio for my lettuce. Maybe I'll plonk myself in front of the TV with some knitting and watch stuff I've DVR'd. Maybe I'll get dressed in "real" clothes and go look at patterns at Hancock and JoAnn Fabrics. (I've been thinking of whipping up a jacket for myself) Whatever. I'll make sure to waste most of the day. You do that too. It's too nice outside to be all dedicated.
1 comment:
And it's a Radio Flyer!!! Of course you had to buy it. You wouldn't be "grandma" otherwise! We have wrens building nests on a shelf behind some boards in our garage. I worry about them when I close the garage door at night but I guess they know the routine and just settle down and go to sleep until morning. It's fun to see them flying in and out in the morning.
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