Mrs. Boss stopped at the dive shop yesterday to give us a transport wheelchair that they don't need anymore. It's the perfect thing that will make our trip to Yellowstone in August that much better. It's lightweight and easy to fold up and put in the van so now Durwood won't have to wait in the van while I walk to see things, I'll be able to push him along the boardwalks and some paths so we can sightsee together, and it'll be a godsend in all the museums we want to visit. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Boss. We'll be passing it on to a Vets group when we don't need it anymore which is where it was headed, we're just a temporary stopover.
May 2--Joachim Tielke, Cittern. The stringed instrument lay broken on the study floor, a jumble of inlaid ebony and ivory. It looked like someone had wrenched the neck off and stomped on the body. The metal strings quivered as if in fear but Vincent knew it was his footsteps' vibrations that had set them moving. He wasn't sure what it meant that the little guitar had been trashed, it didn't seem to have much to do with the dead body on the lawn. Or maybe it did, maybe the argument had started in here and moved outside.
That's as far as I got before I slid down into dreamland, as it was I woke up face down in my notebook about fifteen minutes after writing that and managed to shut out the light so I didn't spend the whole night sleeping on my words. Today I want to whip up my dish-to-pass for next Thursday's Bay Lakes Knitting Guild annual cookout or at least buy the ingredients for it and then make it on Sunday so I'm not racing around like a crazed weasel at the last minute. I'll tell you what I'm making later but it'll be yummy and cool looking. Because I'm so cool myself, donchyaknow. Time for cheerios, Durwood's got a podiatrist appointment in a couple hours and I want to strip the beds and put out fresh towels first. Busy busy busy.
1 comment:
No wonder you fall asleep on your notebook. You're the busiest woman I know. I'm trying to keep busy myself while Paul is gone. This week, he's in Manila; last week, Japan -- week before in Austin, TX. Too much traveling!!
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