Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Here's Sunshine In Your Eye

It wasn't cloudy this morning.  The sun came blazing over the horizon and speared shafts of light into my eyes when I opened the curtains this morning.  It didn't stay sunny all day but it sure was a nice way to start out.

I had big sewing plans today but first I called TW to wish him a belated happy birthday and we got to talking (as one does), then I got caught up watching sewing videos when I went onto Creativebug looking for the instructions for 100 Acts of Sewing's Shirt No. 1, but I finally got downstairs and turned an old, seldom worn Caribbean caftan top into something I'll wear.  I meant to make the piece with the lizards on it the front but mistakenly scooped the neckline on the other piece so now there are "boob targets" on the front.  Not the look I was going for but I tried it on and they're higher on my chest so... whew.

Remember that giant bag of animal crackers my assistant and I bought last week?  Well, I was amazed and amused to discover that there are bison crackers in there along with the turtles, lions, elephants, and other assorted animals.

Tonight was the caregivers support group meeting I've been attending for the last few months.  I took along my preemie hat knitting bag, cast on the tiniest one, and got it almost done except for binding off the top of the I-cord top stem.  It's so cute and it'd fit on a plum.  Such a tiny thing, it took no time at all to knit.

April 10--Jan Jansen, Build Me Up.  

With five stacked soles
this mule is a real
ankle-breaker of a shoe.
Silver, blue, white, yellow, red--
teeter on them all
wear one at a time.
Maybe it's the shoe version
of a concept car,
exciting to look at
but not meant for
every day wear.

I woke up this morning in the midst of a dream where I had a job cooking for a young woman rancher out in Montana so I was planning what I could make that she and her ranch hand would like to eat and what I could find in her poorly-supplied kitchen to cook in and put the food in to store it.  All day long visions of pans of chicken and rice casserole and jars of spaghetti sauce have been popping into my mind.  Very strange what sticks in your head, isn't it?  Still no earring but I hadn't given up--yet.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I cannot imagine a baby tiny enough to sport that too cute preemie hat. But then I also can't remember seeing or holding a tiny baby for a very long time. Abbi and JP's middle boy, I guess, and he's three already and they've produced another little guy I've yet to see -- in person, that is. Only via Instagram -- but that works for me.