And this Robin was prospecting for something to eat at the same time.
The chipmunk busied himself gathering up as many of the fallen seeds and corn he could. Hm, it's probably a she getting ready to make a nest. I don't think male chipmunks make the nests.
The female Downy Woodpecker came to work on the seed wreath today. Usually I only see the male but today it was the missus' turn. How she can hang upside down and peck away at that thing amazes me.
When I got home from the Y while I waited to stop sweating so I could shower, I got out this way-too-big hat I knitted when I was first starting and crocheted a slip-stitch row where the hat meets the brim. That pulled it in just enough that it shouldn't slip down over my eyes when I'm out blowing snow. It's a very warm hat and I really like it but couldn't wear it because it was too big. I finally figured out how to fix that.
My lesson on Duplicate Stitch at knitting guild went well. It was a good thing that I bought
those two clearance sweaters ($1.99 ea.) at Goodwill the other day because two of the people who wanted to learn hadn't brought a swatch. I also took all of the blunt tapestry needles I have along with a couple bags of solid color yarn leftovers and a sheaf of charts for them to work with. The hardest thing for them to grasp was that they weren't embroidering on the stitches, not going up and down through the stitches, but laying the yarn softly over the top of one stitch at a time but they all got it in the end. It's very gratifying to see the smiles and sparkling eyes when the light dawns and the ideas for what they can do with the technique start to come to them. I enjoy teaching people how to do things and I might be okay at it too since they all seemed to learn it.
21 March--Tropical Obsession.
The rain came down hard,
slashing at the leaves of the oleander, swirling in the palm fronds. Nola
stood, drink in hand, watching it pound the surface of the ocean. Absentmindedly
she raised the glass and sipped, surprised when the ice cubes clattered into
her teeth. Her inner voice kept repeating two words “Jack’s dead” over and
over, sounding unreal. The hours she had spent in the police station being
bombarded by Detective Inspector Rooibos’ gentle questions also seemed unreal.
Her hand shook as she lowered the empty glass, the pale dawn light glimmering
on the near solid curtain of raindrops that kept her on the patio.
1 comment:
Love the puffy little goldfinches. And the robin looks like a blackbird but I'll take your word for it. Nice to see you stretching away there at the gym. Sorry your trainer is moving on but you're a grown up and I know you'll carry on without her. Congrats on your successful teaching session. You're a woman of many talents.
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