Thursday, February 20, 2025

I Shoulda Worn My Snowshoes

This afternoon I went out and filled the birdfeeders. I should have worn my snowshoes because it was tough walking in the deep snow on the patio and I didn't even try to go up the hill to fill the cob corn feeders. Maybe I'll do that this weekend--with snowshoes.


Even the empty or almost empty feeders were popular today. The Red-bellied Woodpecker showed up twice, once on the round feeder where its long beak lets it get at seeds that the short beaked birds can't reach. Then I heard knocking and looked out to see it hanging onto the suet cakes feeder and pounding at the remnant of suet cake. It hung around for a while working to get something to eat.


The most amusing was this squirrel that tried time and again to get something out of the round feeder. It was completely empty and the weight of the squirrel closed it so that even if there'd been something in there it couldn't have reached it. Silly tree rat.


Today's watercolor flower is Anemone. Fun to paint but irritating that the teacher didn't pronounce it correctly. She said "ann-enemy" which is wrong and like fingernails on the blackboard to me. But I like the painting.


I did the last two days' gratitude journal pages this morning because I was busy Tuesday and Wednesday nights. I'll do today's tomorrow because I was busy tonight too.


The most fun thing of the day was teaching crochet to the small people (who aren't all that small anymore). I'm crocheting along so that they can see how to make the motions and where to put the hook. It's harder than I thought it'd be. I guess sixty plus years of doing it makes those motions second nature. Anyway, the white one is the top of a unicorn's head and the pink one is the bottom of an owl's body.


First thing this morning I signed on to my account on The Clearing's website and signed up for the classes I want to take this coming spring/summer/fall. I'm on the list for watercolor in May and the Women's Writing Retreat at the end of September. Can't wait!

I spent most of the afternoon reading the next manuscript, putting sections in, taking sections out. I can't see how I can integrate these characters together but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I meant to work on the blurb for Spies Don't Retire but got distracted by the "new" manuscript. And I think I'm going to contact the cover artists and have them redo the cover, or go back to an earlier version. The longer I look at this one the more I think it isn't right.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You are noble to get out there in all that snow. But you have The Clearing to look forward to. Always a nice thought.