Sunday, February 16, 2025

I Love My Snowblower

I just want to say that. It's big and red and makes a lot of noise but I couldn't manage without it. This is an old picture of it but it looks the same except a little older. Just like me. There was just enough gas in the tank to run it today and then I went and filled up the can when I filled up the car. I wasn't the only woman at the pump getting snowblower gas. I had another bag of ice melt salt in the bin too which made me very happy because I'm guessing that salt is in short supply these days.


The snow piles on the birdseed cans out back are impressive, as is the snow pile on the frozen part of the birdbath. I noticed that there's a nice icicle on the birdbath too. When I went out to top up the tiny open water of the birdbath the snow on the patio is almost deeper than my boots are tall. Almost.


I spent a couple hours finishing the latest read-through of Spies Don't Retire on the Kindle this afternoon and then transferred my notes to the file on the computer. There are a couple segments of it that cda still has to give me notes on and then once I make those adjustments it might just be ready. Of course the blurb is still a work in progress. I took another stab at it today but don't know how much better I made it.


Late in the afternoon the sun managed to break through the clouds and I finally saw some Sparrows on the round birdfeeder. You can't see the one facing the camera because they're in the shade but, trust me, there are two birds on there. 


I was determined to check off every bullet point on today's to-do list so I got out Drawing Cute and did an ice skate and a basketball and backboard. They're not as colorful as I'd like but they're okay.


What I really like is today's watercolor of Pansies. For once I managed to do wet-on-wet and have it turn out the way I wanted it to. The purple of the pansies spread in the clear water just right and I used a brush with clear water to outline the petals. I even like the leaves.


I even managed to draw today's gratitude journal page. I was excited to see the sunshine on the snow and once again my beloved snowblower let me clear the driveway, both my side and half of the renters' side. One good thing about the last couple snowfalls is that it's been the dry kind of snow so it's much easier to clear than the wet, heavy stuff. And now the temperature is supposed to plummet into the single digits and stay there for tomorrow and then rise into the teens for the next couple days. Oh goodie.


My friend, MW, called me this evening to tell me that if I went outside I could see Venus shining in the sky. I thanked him but told him that since I'd just gotten out of the shower my hair would freeze and I didn't want to court pneumonia by going out with a wet head. He laughed and agreed that would be a bad idea.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You are very brave to get out there with your trusty red snowblower. Cannot believe how deep that stuff is. Winter in GB!! It seems to just go on and on!!