Monday, February 17, 2025

Cold & Windy

I went to the grocery this morning after my writing Zoom with cda. It was sunny, cold, windy, and stinky.  Sunny because the clouds went away last night. Windy and cold because a Canadian cold front dipped down our way. And stinky because the grocery store is downwind of the rendering plant. Ugh. Also four of the items I bought had "sale" tags on the shelves but they weren't on sale when I checked them out. Evidently the sale price ended yesterday. Oh well.


The cold wind didn't keep this squirrel away from the snow under the round feeder. The wildlife (squirrels and rabbits) have tamped down the snow enough so that they're not sinking down anymore and the seeds tossed from the feeder stay on top of the snow.


One of the Sparrows spent some time on the finch feeder. They also throw seed out of that feeder too. I guess they've got an agreement with the ground feeders to share with those who won't land on the perches.


I did today's watercolor. It's a Lily and it turned out. I was surprised at how well I did because I've tried for years to paint a lily that looks like a lily and haven't been able to. This one isn't so bad.


I realized after supper that the Llama Gathering Hat wasn't the right project to take to knitting tomorrow night. The yarn is solid dark brown and skinny which makes it hard to see in poor light. So I dragged up a skein of super bulky yarn in another dark color, Campfire, but it's easier to see because it isn't a solid color. At least that's my hope.


I spent a lot of hours today reading a different manuscript that I think is the one I'll tackle next. cda and I did a couple critique Zooms and I sent her a piece of the different manuscript to work on for next Monday. It's real first drafty so I hope she doesn't hate it.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Cute little squirrel out there in the snow. What would they do without you to feed them? I'm saying "Thank you " on their behalf.