Saturday, February 1, 2025

Back to Frozen

I had to top up the birdbath twice today because it was back to frozen and the heater was half-exposed. I filled it when I got home from the Market and it wasn't long before the new water was also turned to ice. See?


The only birds I saw today were Sparrows. Sparrows on the round feeder. Sparrows on the ground under the finch feeder. And this little lone Sparrow on the patio pecking at pieces of something I couldn't identify. Look how fluffed up he is. That's how cold it was. Right now it's 27 degrees and that's the high for today.


This morning before I went to the Market I drew yesterday's gratitude journal page. I was the most grateful for the hours I spent working on the new/old manuscript. And Zooming with my writing and knitting friends was good too.


In the afternoon I got out Drawing Cute (I keep forgetting about that book) and drew a ballet slipper and a yoga mat. I really like the way these things turn out. I should draw out of that book more often. The Chibi book too. I'll do that one tomorrow. Promise.


Tonight I cast on yet another hat with the Deep Sea Landscapes yarn. I'm determined to knit it up and then add on leftovers of other colors of Landscapes yarn until I'm out of it. I don't care how many hats it makes.


The Market today was not our friend. Of the four of us in the booth only one of us sold a book and it wasn't me. I thought that I was building up to a sale a couple times, but they walked away. Not only that the snack bar was very busy so I smell like a french fry and so do my clothes. It cast a pall on the whole day. And the lady who bakes my favorite peanut butter cookie wasn't there so I couldn't even drown my frustration in a cookie.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Love that fluffed-up sparrow. Sorry the market yesterday didn't go well. Better luck next week.