Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Not Quite As Warm

But still sunny and 48 degrees. I was able to run errands this afternoon without a jacket, only a hoodie. Imagine that! I actually got too warm walking around the soon-to-close Joann store this afternoon. I got a bunch of eyes for softies and some small skeins of acrylic yarn for crocheting little monsters and other amigurumi. I want to be ready in case one of the grandkids hits their stride and takes off on a crocheting jag.

This evening I crocheted on the Billy the Unicorn head. LC is crocheting it and I got out some white yarn and started it too. It's more challenging that I think a beginner pattern should be but what do I know. In a couple more rounds I'm supposed to stick the eyes in the head and then stuff it. 

The acrobatic squirrel was back on the suet cakes today. It started out investigating the suet nuggets but they're all gone and evidently even the dregs are gone because it came back to the suet cakes and had a fine time nibbling and stretching out. I am so entertained watching it stretch out and then curl back up for a bite.


This morning I drew yesterday's gratitude journal page. The big item was yesterday's high temperature of 54 but I was also grateful for cda's good comments on my writing and the fun I had painting.


Speaking of painting, today's flower was Delphinium. I like the way it looks and it was pretty fun to paint. My flowers aren't as uniform as the teacher's were but I like the colors and the centers. Only two more flowers to paint before the class is over.


In between doing loads of laundry (ugh) and having MB the cleaner here (yay!) I did a little drawing out of Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers. I don't know what these flowers are supposed to be but I like the lower one better than the upper one.


I tried working on the monthly writing progress newsletter today but didn't get very far. I was too distracted by laundry, drawing, painting, and chatting with MB. I'll do better tomorrow.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Sounds like yesterday was a little preview of Spring. Nice!