Thursday, February 13, 2025

At the Last Minute

I was ready to come back here and realized that I hadn't art-ed all day so I quick grabbed a pen or two and Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers and dashed off a drawing. It isn't much but I couldn't skip art-ing two days in a row, I just couldn't.


In the morning after running the snowblower over the driveways I went down to Zambaldi to have a little visit with DS. He was brewing Meatball Man Amber today and was just starting the runoff when I got there. You can see how the foam was spinning in the kettle as the wort drained from the mash tun to the boil kettle. I smelled like cooked grain the rest of the day.


After a quick spin around the grocery store for bananas and clementines, I did a little last minute tax prep and then I called my tax accountant to make an appointment to deliver the packet of info to her. I want to get that monkey off my back.


The birds have been slow to come back to the round feeder since I filled it the other day. This Sparrow was here all by himself this morning without a flock of buddies to catch the seed and cracked corn he tossed onto the snow under the feeder.


The squirrels, however, have not been slow to gobble up the suet nuggets. This morning I noticed that there was only about a quarter of the nuggets left and this squirrel spent a lot of time nibbling away.


Tonight I went downstairs to find yarn to knit and I meant to get either the khaki or navy llama wound up. Instead I found that the dark brown llama had already been wound up so my hat will be brown because I was too lazy to get out the swift and ball winder and deal with a fresh skein or two. Brown is a fine color for a hat, besides there's not enough navy for a hat.. I'm knitting this hat on size 9 needles, a huge change from the size 13s I was using before. I feel a little like I'm knitting with toothpicks after the logs from the last hat. I'll get used to them soon. I had to watch a YouTube video or two to learn how to do the recommended stretchy cast on. Casting on was very slow and deliberate and I was sure I had way too much tail but turned out I had just enough. Yay, me!


We're supposed to get more snow, a lot more snow, tomorrow night into Saturday morning. I'm not thrilled. Saturday is a Market day and I really don't want to have to snowblow before I go. Maybe I'll be able to wait until I get back in the afternoon. Fingers crossed. 

I sat down this afternoon and pounded out a first draft of the blurb for Spies Don't Retire. I, of course, think it's perfect and brilliant but I put it on the Ad School FB page and am waiting to get shot down and have to rewrite it a zillion times. I'm so bad at hooks and what's at stake and what to put in and what to leave out. You'd think after all this time I'd be better at it.

I also approved the final version of the cover for the next book. I'm looking forward to getting the final files and having a cover reveal. Maybe in next month's email newsletter.

Oh, and I got a check in the mail from Caramel Crisp Corner Books in Oshkosh. They've sold one each of Open For Business and Better Than Mom's. I don't know how recently but I'm glad that they've sold some.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

It's nice that you get to have a one-on-one time with DS even if you smell like grain all day 😉.