Saturday, February 15, 2025

I Coulda Stayed Home

And sold as many books as I did at the Market on Military today. Zip. Zero. Nada. Four hours is a long time to smile and greet people and tell them about your books and have them all walk away with only a bookmark. Once again a couple people picked up books and read the blurb on the back and they still walked away. I guess I'm paying the price for the two early Markets when I sold 6 books each. 

It snowed all day. No, I mean it. It snowed all night and all day and the snow piled up. How deep was the snow in the backyard under the round birdfeeder? This deep. See that squirrel? That's how deep the snow is back there.


And this is how deep the snow is off the front porch. Admittedly this is snow piled up from shoveling because my neighbor shoveled my driveway while I was at the Market. Right after I got home the plow came by so I went out and cleared the plow drift and dug into the drift in front of the porch so the mailman would have more room. 


Once I was done with the snowblowing I got out the Kindle and my little notepad and worked on reading Spies Don't Retire and made a lot of progress. I turned the second page on my notepad but I'm not finding too many more things to change, I'm making longer notes. There's a difference.


After supper I pulled out the watercolors and painted along with the class on Creativebug. Day 22's flower was Poppies. They were fun to paint and I managed to make the centers stand out by following her directions. Imagine that! I followed the directions and it worked out! Amazing.


Then I watched TV and didn't knit. I just sat and watched the screen and my hands lay in my lap. Very odd. I liked it.

I just noticed that I sold an eBook on Amazon yesterday--to someone in Australia! Woohoo!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

How did that squirrel move in all that snow? Nice of your neighbor to shovel your driveway. An international sale! You're known worldwide!! Yay.