Friday, April 26, 2024

Working Hard

I spent almost all of today working on the manuscript of the sequel to The Seaview. I tried taking a picture of a Cardinal but it flew away. I filled the birdfeeders but I didn't see any birds, probably because I was sitting at my laptop focused on reading LL's comments and incorporating them. So this was my view for most of the day.

I did take a short break to paint. This is not watercolor. It's a thicker, opaque paint called gouache. It's water soluble but not as translucent as watercolor. It reminds me of acrylic only thicker.

Usually I have lots to report but not today. I didn't draw. I didn't do a Gratitude Journal page and I didn't do anything in the yard. I just worked on writing, talked about writing to a whole bunch of people, and took a shower. I did that first.

So that's it. That's all she wrote. Th-th-th-that's all folks!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I forgot to mention yesterday how happy I am that you're back to full health. All that walking around in the yard and no panting or stopping to catch your breath. Such a good feeling. Does the sequel have a title? Just curious.