Sunday, April 21, 2024

Below Freezing Overnight

It might be April and the second half of April at that, but it still got into the mid-20s overnight. I didn't know how cold it had gotten until I looked at the birdbath this morning. Even though the sun was up and shining brightly the water in the birdbath was frozen solid. I went out about an hour later to top it up and the ice floated so it was starting to thaw. But still, I keep hoping that we're done with below freezing temps.

Freezing temps don't deter the daffodils and grape hyacinths from standing tall. Someone said recently that they have antifreeze in their veins. I believe it. I went out this afternoon to pick up the windblown sticks from the lawn and it was warm enough in the sunshine but it was chilly in the wind. That sunshine fools me this time of year.

Today's watercolor was not quite as successful as the last two were. The red and pink blob on the right is supposed to be a peony but I think it doesn't look like one at all. I think the dahlia and the rosebud look okay, the peony not so much.

And the Gratitude Journal for today. I forgot about putting in the sunny day but I managed to put in that I found two more Little Free Libraries and put out a couple more Better Than Mom's with the old cover. I'm going to hang onto the rest of them for now just in case I can't get the new covers in time for the May 11 book signing. And I included the chicken breasts that I'm marinating in teriyaki marinade for grilling in a couple days. A family pack of boneless, skinless chicken breasts gives me 12 suppers for under $15 that I have with steamed veggies I already have on hand. What's not to love?

I got the final files of the new cover for BTM's today and wasted no time getting it loaded up on the Kindle and paperback files on Kindle Direct Publishing. I'll wait until next weekend to order author copies to make sure that the printers have the new cover design.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Hopefully this is winter's last gasp. Your daffodils prove it's Spring. I love your watercolor. You're being too hard on yourself. The flowers aren't supposed to look like photographs -- just beautiful flowers.