Monday, April 22, 2024

Looking For Worms

I looked out this afternoon and watched this Robin walk across the backyard. It would cock its head and look at the ground, then move on. I hoped I'd see it yank a worm out of the ground but it flew off before it found anything. Rats.

I emailed one of the narrators who submitted auditions for The Seaview and Island Dreams last week to tell her that I wanted to work with her. She and I emailed back and forth setting out dates, etc. Then I called the Help line at ACX (the arm of Audible where you can have audiobooks made) to make sure that the previous contracts for those titles were cancelled. My first narrator and I agreed to cancel them because she couldn't get the Caribbean accent and neither of us wanted to put out a substandard product. Then I reposted the projects, the new narrator accepted them, and we're in business. I just uploaded the manuscripts to her and sent the character list for The Seaview to give her an idea of who's who. I have to work up one for Island Dreams this week and get that sent off too. Anyway I'm back in business and she said she'll start in June and can have them both done by the end of July. Woohoo!

Today's watercolor is an all-over floral. This was kind of fun to paint and I like the way the colors look together. I still can't use the giant brush that she uses but I'm happy with the medium giant brush that I feel I can control better.

I thought about waiting until tomorrow to grill the marinated chicken breasts but then I checked the weather for tomorrow and there's a chance of rain. There was no chance of rain today so I fired up the grill and got it done. Oh, they smelled so good and I cut off a little piece of one so I'm certain that they taste good too.

While the chicken was grilling I pulled out Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers and found this page that looked like waterlilies to me. They turned out alright, if I do say so myself.

The Gratitude Journal for the day was short and sweet. Just sunny and warm, grilled chicken, and a new audiobook narrator. Fun pictures to draw.

I took one of the booster seats out of the back seat of my car because LC is tall enough and just about heavy enough to ride without one. Still can't ride in the front seat but this is a big step.

I sent off my next submission for the Novel Writing critique group today. I've gotten one of the other members' submission and read through it once. I'll go over it again before our next meeting. Only four more to come.

Sounds like it's starting to rain a little.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Your watercolor today looks like a tossed bouquet 💐. I love it. A Robin sighting definitely announces Spring.