Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Car Knitting

I had the opportunity to do a little car knitting the last couple days and today I finished the Field of Dreams warshrag that I've been slowly working on. I played a little yarn chicken with this one. Fortunately I forgot to knit the three rows even in the middle or I'd have run out of yarn before the end. As it was I ended up with about 2 yards of yarn left. 

My eye was caught by this squirrel feasting on the fallen seed. Most of the squirrels' tails are stretched out but this one had its tail curled over its back and I thought it looked kind of cute.

Goldfinches have been hanging around the feeders lately. Not on the finch feeder much but on the round feeder. I saw one little female on the finch feeder today but usually it's the Chickadees that light on it and have a little peck.

It got down below freezing again last night so the birdbath was frozen this morning but the sun was shining bright and thawed it out within an hour. So I didn't have to go out to pour warm water on it so the birdies could get a drink. It only got up to 48 today. Chilly.

I started a different daily practice watercolor course on Creativebug today. I wasn't sure that I'd like putting ink over a painting but I think that it enhances the flower. I've done this course before last year but I'm trying to get my hand in for next month's watercolor class at The Clearing. Don't want to be the worst in class.

I got brave tonight and ordered author copies of Better Than Mom's hoping that the printers have the new cover. I'll be so disappointed if they come with the old cover. If that happens I might see if Amazon will do something to fix it. I've got a signing event on May 11 and want the new covers for that.

Let's see, what else did I do today? I went to the craft store to pick up some brushes I'd ordered online (because they had 30% off on online orders even if you picked them up at the store the next day), to the grocery for bananas, clementines, and pineapple (gotta have my fruit!), and the pharmacy to pick up a couple prescriptions. That's pretty much it.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Putting ink over the flower does change the look of it. So many ways to draw or paint. Nice way to always have something to do.