Thursday, April 18, 2024

More Sprouts!

I went out this morning to fill the birdfeeders and saw that the bleeding hearts have sprouted tall enough to be seen between the stubs from last year's stalks. Bleeding hearts grow fast and tall, and they're one of the early bloomers.

Right next to the bleeding hearts the peonies are sprouting too. They're in a protected corner in the back yard right next to the privacy fence between the two patios so they don't get much sun. To be honest I'm not sure they get any sun at all during the year so it's a miracle that they're still growing and throwing out a flower or two every year.

Today's watercolor is a single stemmed rose. I made the stem too long so the flower is kind of crammed up at the top of the paper but despite that I like the way it turned out. The leaves turned out okay too. I find I have to use a smaller brush than the one the teacher calls for. I just can't control a gigantic round brush. It drips and makes too big a smear for me. That probably means I'm doing something wrong but using a bit smaller brush helps me make a picture that looks kind of like hers.

I saw two of my favorite springtime birds this morning. A pair of Goldfinches landed on the round feeder on opposite sides so I had to wait until the feeder turned so I could picture them both. I couldn't get both of their heads out at the same time but I did my best before they flew away.

Then a Nuthatch, another favorite, flew over to the platform feeder but by the time I got the camera up it had flown over to the suet pellets. Naturally it's on the side so I've got a side view of the bird but it's better than nothing.

I spent most of the afternoon finishing my conflict outline of the manuscript. I unplugged my laptop and set up shop on the kitchen table so I had a space to lay the legal pad alongside to make note taking easier. I haven't gone over the five pages of notes yet (or is it six?) but I know that there are holes, some big, some small, and one gigantic one that I have to deal with. Should be interesting.

I drew a few figures out of 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish before supper. I'm pretty pleased with all of them but I think I like the clownfish in the upper right the best. Is it because it's colored in? I don't know but maybe.

And there were a few things I was grateful for today so we have a Gratitude Journal page. Once again I luxuriated in a hot shower but didn't draw myself in the tub. You're welcome.

Today I got the first sample of the new cover for Better Than Mom's. This is the audiobook cover. Right now the paperback and eBook covers don't match the audiobook cover because they couldn't use the free graphic I used for the books. Over the months I've come to realize that I like the audiobook one better, it's brighter and more attractive, so I've ordered one made for the paperback and the eBook. That means that the stack of books in the living room will be out of date pretty soon. I missed being at the winter farmer's market this year. I sold a lot of books last year but the market was in a new venue and didn't have room for us. Dang it. Maybe next year. I need to find a map of all the Little Free Libraries in town so I can drive around dropping off a copy of the books with old covers so I'm ready with the new ones when the next book signing (May 11) comes around.

It was another overcast day today and it even drizzled a bit this afternoon. Enough to dampen the patio and make a few raindrop rings in the birdbath. There are some weeds in the backyard that are growing very tall so I'm hoping that it'll be nice on Saturday (I'm busy tomorrow) so I can go out with my digger and gardening gloves and get them yanked out.

Sorry about all the pictures today. Guess I got carried away.



Aunt Barb said...

Never too many pictures. Your rose 🌹 is especially beautiful. Love it.

Aunt Barb said...

P.S. I just saw online that The Thursday Murder Club is going to be a movie!! Helen Mirren, Pierce Brosnon and Ben Kingsley, Can't wait. I love those books.