Thursday, February 16, 2023

Well, They Tried

I came home from errands around lunchtime and found a herd of workmen and machines in my yard. It was the construction crew from public service working on getting my new power line buried. They'd dug a big hole in the backyard and one near the power pole in the front and were threading the line through but before they got finished (or maybe they didn't plan to finish today) it started snowing and within 15 minutes they were all packed up and vamoosed. Still have the line laying on the ground but now it's covered by an inch or two of snow.

I went down to the library after visiting Zambaldi to find three tables full of boxes of books. And not small, easy to move boxes either. In an hour I only managed to empty two of the big, heavy boxes and ended up trashing a lot of the second box because the books were mouse-eaten and peed on. Ick. They smelled funky too. Into the trash they went.

Today's Daily Practice wasn't a whole lot better than yesterday's. We were to go outside and find sticks to use to paint with. I found a couple good-looking sticks when I took the trash out on Tuesday night (I'd watched a couple videos ahead; they're really short) and brought them in to dry. I poured a little indigo acrylic ink into a dish and dipped the sticks in and painted with them. More abstract landscapes, she said. Meh.

Intermediate Watercolor was a little better. She demonstrated and then we painted a peony. She doesn't paint every petal but paints a suggestion of the flower. I liked the rose and tulip better but this isn't bad.

When I put on my hand-knit socks this morning I really admired one of them. The yarn is a blend of red, yellow, orange, and maroon which I really like so I dug out the remaining yarn and decided to cast on another sock in the same yarn but use a different, familiar pattern. It occurred to me that I'll need a project on the needles for tomorrow night and for next Wednesday evening so I cast on a sock. It takes me long enough to make one that I won't run out of knitting before then.

One squirrel spent yesterday afternoon cleaning up the scoop of peanuts that I flung onto the grass and then spent most of today leaping up to nab nuts out of the peanut wreath. Neither rain, nor snow...

I have a sneaking hunch that the laundry chute is nearly full which means that I'll have to do laundry soon. Ugh. Maybe Sunday.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Painting with sticks? I don't get that. Maybe for drawing stick people. Love your peony.