Monday, February 20, 2023

I Didn't Order It

But when I looked out the patio door at about 4 o'clock it was snowing big flakes and a lot of them. Ewwww. We weren't predicted to get snow until Wednesday night so evidently this is a little amuse bouche of the coming storm. Naturally I have places to go on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Maybe the roads won't be too slick.

I saw a female Cardinal sharing the platform feeder today with a House Finch. She's fine with sharing, not a bully like her male counterpart. Lots of birds came to the feeders today and even to the partially melted birdbath. I went out and filled it so that there was a bit of open water at least for a little while.

Today's Daily Practice was a no-peeking sketch of a cup and saucer filled with pompoms first, then another sketch of the same cup and saucer only this time you could look, and then a quick watercolor-ing of the sketch. I think tomorrow there will be an "official" painting of the same.

In Intermediate Watercolor I got brave and painted the next lesson. Today the postcard version which I painted second turned out better so that's the one you get to see but the first one isn't bad only the tulip's paint bled into the zinnia or whatever that flower on the left is supposed to be so it's a little messy looking. The postcard's better, I think.

Then because Aunt B expressed a desire for me to publish Better Than Mom's sooner rather than later, I uploaded the manuscript to my Kindle and sat down at the table to read through it and make notes of what needs to change to make it publishable. I find it so much easier to read through the manuscript on the Kindle; it's like reading a book and I can make quick notes of changes that are then easy to find on Word. I read for so long that I ran the Kindle battery down so I had to quit and plug the thing in. I'm working on it, Aunt B, I'll put it at the head of the line.


After supper I pulled out Dr. Seuss's Book of Animals and drew a boy looking at turtles sleeping in trees. I remember the turtles in trees from one of the books I used to read to the kids, Yertle the Turtle maybe. 

And then while I watched Antiques Roadshow and Maine Cabin Masters I added rounds to the Trekking Sock. I have to be able to talk and knit on it because I'm knitting with friends on Wednesday evening.

Tomorrow morning is the great online registration experiment of The Clearing's new system. Hopefully it'll work the way they say it will and keep me from having to dial and redial their number over 400 times to get registered for a May watercolor class. And then I'll have to do it all over again on Thursday morning to register for the Women's Writing Retreat in October. So I hope that it works because dialing and redialing is a real pain. Wish me luck.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I hate that dialing and redialing or being on hold forever. Fingers crossed the new system at The Clearing works. Don't want you to miss out getting those classes you want.