Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday, It's Friday!

Thanks for all your comments on the Jellico story last night, Jennifer & Bob. We missed you, Jenny. I'll be in Montana next Thursday but I'll be back the following week. Yippee, Montana! Seeing David & Abby!! Yay! Going to Yellowstone!!! Fantabulous! Oops, I'd better quit, I'm almost out of exclamation points!

October 2--Write about never and always--Never and always are the slamming of doors painted black and white in their severe oppsiteness. Never and always build a narrow pathway lined with brambles and paved with broken glass to slash and cut travelers and keep wafflers from straying. Never is a granite wall across your path keeping you from foolishly trying new things. Always is a greased slide that snares the unwary delivering them to the edge of an abyss. Purge never and always from your mind and your tongue. Save yourself the embarrassment and open up your world to the seduction of maybe.

Weekend ho! (no, not that kind of ho. tsk, you people.)

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