Sunday, March 26, 2023

Back Out in the Sunshine

It was sunny all day today and the snow at the edge of the roof decided to melt in a curtain of icicles all across the front of the house. I was lucky enough to see them before they plunged down and disappeared.

The crocuses that I was so excited about the other day and then worried about in yesterday's snow weathered the weather just fine. The snow melted back from the front of the house and there were the crocuses all pert and yellow, looking like they'd never heard of snow.

The Cardinal visited the platform feeder this morning too and managed to shoo away all comers except the female when she fluttered in for a snack.

I drew some flowers today. They were easy to draw and turned out the way I wanted them to.

I'm more impressed with my Daily Practice paintings. She painted the two bugs on a big sheet of paper but I decided to paint them each on a postcard. I really like the way they turned out. She said that this yellow one is a type of grasshopper...

... and the green one is a leaf insect. That's obvious because it looks like a leaf. Even it's legs look like leaves.

I had to run to the grocery today for lunch food. I seem to be running out of lunches faster these days. I don't know why, I'm buying the same size lunchmeat and chopped salad packages. Oh well. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon reading through my latest manuscript trying to find a segment that would be good to submit for the last Roundtable which is this week. Man, that is a boring story. Nothing much happens for a very long time. I've forgotten how hard I worked getting my other novels whipped into shape. I think I've found something suitable. Maybe.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Yay for the all the survivors of the snow storm. All those signs of Spring are so welcome. And I don't even live up there! Blue sky down here and that's always a welcome sight too.