Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Not Better

In fact, the cough arrived this morning and made my day more, um, interesting.  Fortunately I had some cough gels left from my bout with pleurisy last fall so I took a couple and will take more before bed with a Robitussin chaser.  So that I had something to eat that wouldn't irritate my throat I whipped up a batch of Easy Egg Drop Soup.  Man, am I glad that I found that recipe.  It's fast to make, can be as simple or as souped up as you want (get it?  souped up), and tastes great.  I diced up a square of teriyaki tofu I bought last week and tossed that in along with some mushrooms that I chopped (not that I can taste anything, my tongue is fuzzy from Zycam and Halls drops).  Add a handful of goldfish crackers and a clementine and I'm happy.

The chickadees swarmed the feeders this morning.  I'm surprised that there're seeds left in the platform feeder.  LC and I filled it on Sunday and usually by now the chipmunks would have cleaned it out but I'm not complaining.

Speaking of chipmunks, this one has resumed its lookout post.  It scampers up to survey its domain just about every day.

At lunchtime CG, the landscaper I went to school with, stopped by to see where the buried lines are and to check that the ground is soft enough to be dug.  He said they'll be here next week or the week after to build the wall.  Can't wait.

30 April--Camille Pissarro, Women Planting Peasticks.

Lean hard
on the thin bamboo rod,
push the end
into unyielding earth.
Lash the tops together
for a tepee
that curly pea vines can climb,
making shady havens
for hiding in.

Okey-dokey.  That's it for April Poetry Month so you won't have to endure any more of my lame poems.  I blame the head cold.  I had nothing on my calendar today so I spent most of it on the couch knitting and watching things I had DRV'd.  I might do the same tomorrow if the cough maintains its current level of frequency and irritation.  And I still sound like Grover.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Your egg drop soup sounds like a sure cure. So what with another day of couch surfing and nature watching out your back door, I'm predicting you'll be up and at'em in no time.