Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Better Food

Even after spending so many hours over so many days last week cooking all of that delicious and healthy food, until today I was eating like ice cream, sweet rolls, and chocolate were about to disappear from the world forever.  I went to bed last night so tired of myself and my lack of resistance but woke up resolved to wade back into the fray.  So today you get pictures of my meals.

 First was my usual breakfast--fresh pineapple, strawberries, and blueberries with 1/2 cup of non-fat Greek yogurt, 2 Tablespoons of homemade WW granola, 1 prune (what? they cost a point each!), and a banana.


Lunch was a cup of lentil soup, 30 goldfish crackers, baby carrots, and a clementine.

For supper I finished the rest of that little NY Strip steak I grilled on Sunday.  I sliced it thin and warmed it up just a tad, then made a salad with butter lettuce, a bit of chopped salad, a Roma tomato, a mini cuke, with homemade Green Goddess dressing, then I put the pieces of steak on top.  Tasty and filling.

That left me with enough points to have a small scoop of ice cream and a few M&Ms.  I promise that I won't inflict pictures of all of my meals on you from now on but it felt important to put them on today.  I've decided that I will eat better food for one more day tomorrow.

And I ate lunch on the patio in the sunshine.  Because I could.  Right next to the patio the rhubarb plant that Dad dug up out of his mom's garden when we moved up here from Evansville, IN in 1962 is looking good.  I like that my rhubarb is an heirloom.  It's the last plant alive from that move.  Dad's rose is still going strong but I'm not sure that it's a plant from Grandma, it might be but I'm not certain.


On either side of Dad's rose (which hasn't awakened for the season yet; it's a late sleeper) the daffodils are blooming.  They're so cheerful and bright, they just glow.

The Easter Bunny left baskets, well, buckets of spring toys and a few treats for LC and OJ.  I told them on Saturday that if the EB left anything I'd bring it over later in the week.  I figured with OJ's birthday and Easter the next day, they could stand a couple days of no new candy.  I will confess that I added a few Dum Dum suckers to each basket because the EB didn't put in much candy, only a few M&Ms, besides I have a bag of 500 of the darned suckers from Sam's Club because no other store that I went in last fall had any smaller bags.

I finished the April Preemie Hat #3 this evening.  I do love that little cord tied in a knot on top.  I think it makes babies look like elves.

24 April--Raphael, St. George Struggling with the Dragon.

dragon claws
draw blood
broken lance
slashing sword
knight protector
astride his white horse
battles to save fair maiden

Meh.  But they can't all be worth the paper they're scribbled on.  I've got my second to last training session with M tomorrow afternoon.  I'll miss her, she makes me work hard but I kind of like it.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Glad to see you're still using that silverware. Some of mine is getting kinda dull -- not tarnished. I think the water down here isn't kind to it when it's in the dishwasher. You can never have too many Dum Dums. I think 500 sounds about right. Doubt they ever go bad!!