I love it when DS and his family are gone for the day or an overnight. That means I get asked to go check for eggs. The "ladies" don't stop laying because they're away so someone has to go collect them. Me! I try to have some peels, etc. for the grand-chickens as a sort of payment for the lovely brown ovals of fresh egg-y goodness. Even though I bring them goodies, they won't be petted. I forgive them, they lay excellent eggs.
On Friday night AP, our 93 year old knitting friend, brought in a few patterns that she said belonged to her mother and grandmother to see if anyone wanted them. I thought DD would like two of them--one is "pin-up" transfers for embroidering on dishtowels and the other is for making stuffed animals. I kept one for making a cloth dolly and some clothes that I think will fit LC's doll that stays here. I love those old patterns.

This morning I noticed that some of the Asiatic lilies like the one I bought yesterday are starting to sprout. Every little green leaf and sprout makes me so happy even though I still have to wear my winter coat most days.
The plumber came today to install the new kitchen faucet, to recaulk the bathroom sink, and to check on a leaky clean-out downstairs. He worked for nearly 4 hours but got everything done, then the cleaning lady went next door after finishing cleaning here to go over the kitchen and bathroom floors with her mop now that all the workmen are done. Tomorrow Home Depot should have the eggshell paint base so I can get that and a couple extra things I saw that needed replacing today, get that paint on, and be DONE DONE DONE. (sorry for the hollering but I'm so over being a landlady right now) I'll be glad to have that off my mind since I seem to have a limited amount of brain space available lately.
You totally wish you'd come to supper tonight. I whipped up some Curried Shrimp with Garlic-Basil Coconut Rice with steamed fresh broccoli on the side. You know, I used to say that I didn't like fruit with meat but I've found 2 shrimp recipes with orange marmalade in them and I confess I could have them each once a week and not get bored. Chicken spaghetti's on tomorrow's menu.
March 27--Henri-Edmond Cross, Two Women by the Shore, Mediterranean. The sea sounded like it was chuckling at a private joke as it tumbled the pebbles on the shore. Marta and Cecile sat in the shade squinting at the sun sparkles on the wavelets. "The sea is so calm," said Marta. "There's no wind today," Cecile said, "I would almost be willing to swim but it's too cold." Marta looked at her friend's profile. "You can't swim." Cecile smiled. "A day like today, sunny with no wind, makes me feel like I could if I only went into the sea." "You'd drown," Marta said, "and expect me to come save you. Then when I couldn't you would haunt me for the rest of my life." She shook her head. "No swimming."
I have high hopes for having some sewing or knitting to show you tomorrow. That is, if no more rental chores rear their heads. Wish me luck..
1 comment:
Check out the price on those old patterns. Definite indication of their age. Nice that you can share them with DD -- and that she likes stuff like too. It runs in the family!!
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