Do you want to know how chilly it was this morning? When I opened the drapes I saw that the birdbath wasn't icy but the water was steaming. I know it doesn't show well in this photo but, trust me, there were wisps of steam rising from the pale green water.
I got a call from the city's rat guy. Seems the city is giving a little money to each neighborhood association to reimburse residents for rat traps they purchase, they're not providing the traps. He sent me a report from the CDC about rat control and gave me some tips about how to box in the rat so it has to emerge where I've set the trap. That'll work--once the ground is thawed enough for me to move the plant stakes, etc. that have frozen in place around the sides of the shed. This may turn into a siege.
The countertop got delivered to the home improvement store today and the handyman picked up the receipt so he can pick the countertop up. Hopefully it'll get installed tomorrow without too much trouble. The renter's stopping over tomorrow after work with a nice big check for the first month and security deposit. On Tuesday the plumber's coming to put in a new kitchen faucet, caulk the bathroom sink, and check on a leaky cleanout on the main water pipe downstairs. That should be everything. Today DD helped me put up new window shades and curtain rods in the bedrooms.

I didn't walk until after supper today. Company, you know, so I was out and about when the sun was setting. I didn't get the blazing sunset but I enjoyed the soft peachy orange sky.
March 22--George Stubbs, White Poodle in a Punt. "I don't like dogs," Marjorie said, "except for Max here." Her fingers combed through the standard poodle's fur. "Max is the most un-doglike dog on the planet." She sniffed as if she felt someone within earshot about to disagree. "He can tell time. He always knows when it's suppertime and I am absolutely certain he could drive if his paws would reach the pedals." Lawrence didn't look up from his book. "Mm-hm." He had given up trying to convince her that Max was nothing more than a run of the mill specimen of a canine. Max looked up at Lawrence and growled a little as if he could read the man's mind.
After supper I frogged the 10 rounds of hat I knitted last night and went down a needle size but only managed to knit a round or two before the call of the blog lured me here. I'll do more tomorrow and let you know if it was a good idea. Time to turn in, I"m bushed.
1 comment:
We had a beautiful sunset here last night too. Wish I could have captured it with my camera. All pink clouds and looking very "Florida" to me. So glad you have the pleasure of DD's company. Always wonderful to have those girls around.
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