Last night at Friday Night Knitting MW slid a book across to KW (no relation) that's a guide to the 100 most popular bird in our area, a booklet put out by a power company (in the back of which they tout how bird-friendly they are) and the wildlife sanctuary where MW is a volunteer. I asked him about it and he reached into his bag and slid one over to me. They're free! Our favorite frequent hawk visitor, the Sharp-shinned Hawk, isn't in there but no book is perfect. This other book is one he'd gotten a couple days earlier that's all about wildlife with lots of cool pictures and maps. I love maps and luckily there was another copy of the book waiting there for me. He offered to lend me his copy when he finished reading it but it takes me so long to read a paper book these days I felt better buying my own copy. Besides, the publisher's price was $29.95, the markdown price was $17.99, and the Goodwill price was $3.99--it was in my budget.
I've been meaning to sew up an apron for when LC visits because we usually cook something and the only kid apron I have is too small for her. I found a free pattern on Craftsy, dug out some cotton and bias tape, and spent an hour downstairs making this cute one for her. This coming week I need to make a placemat for OJ. He's decided that he's too grown up for his high chair so a placemat catches a world of spills and slips of the spoon.
I didn't write the prompt last night, I was just too tired and I suspect I won't write again tonight because I can feel my eyelids wanting to slam shut every time I blink. I'd better wrap this up and sigh off before the last paragraph of this post is an endless line of zzzzzzzzzzs and I have permanent keyboard dents in my face. Good night.
1 comment:
Felt as if we'd spent the day together what with the morning sunrise picture to the line of zzzzzz's at the end. Nice to read about and see what all you did in one day. Productive to say the least!
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