Before I got started searching I went down and started the laundry. I'd like to know who brings over their dirty clothes for me to do since Durwood and I just don't get that dirty... of course, I should probably do laundry more than once very two weeks... but I only do it when I'm low on socks and undies and I evidently have two weeks' worth of each of those and too many clothes.
After supper and doing dishes and putting the frozen meat I got yesterday into vacuum
bags, I added an inch or so to O's Packer Barley hat. It looks way too big for him but I measured it against the hat he likes to wear when he's here and it's only a little bit bigger around and will be taller but he's not shrinking. He's starting to look more like a kid than a baby. *sniff* He'll be two years old in 3 weeks. Time sure flies when you're having fun.
March 31--Dieric Bouts, Feast of the Passover. "I like their shoes," the blond one said. The brunette settled her chin in her cupped hand. "Hm, not bad, but look at the floors. Those tiles would be good in my new kitchen." She looked around, then pulled her phone out of her purse. "Keep an eye out while I take a picture to show the decorator." The guard standing behind the sculpture at the opposite end of the gallery stepped out to clear his throat in their direction. "Hurry up," the blond hissed, "the guard is watching." As the women left the gallery one of them said, "Do you think you can afford Chip and Joanna?"

Can you believe that today is the last day of March? I know I say this too much and it makes me sound old but time sure flies. Oh, last night was the blue moon. Did you see it? It dodged in and out of clouds when I was coming home from knitting.