On my tour of the backyard this morning I saw all kinds of things up and blooming. There's the bleeding heart under the honeysuckle (ignore that yellow mower wheel behind it), the ferns and lilies of the valley in the bed under the kitchen window, the apple trees are nearly done blooming, the lilacs are going gangbusters, and the asparagus is poking out. I saw that the neighbors have a tiller so I moseyed over to admire their huge garden and to ask if I could maybe borrow that tiller today. They said yes so today the garden gets tilled up and I'll be moving the blueberries even if doing it this late derails blueberries for this year. They deserve better soil and better sunshine so they can be happy. I can dig three five-gallon holes, don't you think? I want to buy me a garden weasel (one of those things you use to twist out weeds) too, I'm tired of bending over.
I got different birdseed at Fleet Farm yesterday (because Family Pet Center's not open on Sunday) and I was kind excited to find seed "made" in Algoma with real cherry juice in it, plus I only spent $20 for 50# instead of $30 for 40# like I do at the seed store. Now if only the birdies like it. Durwood just called out that "that blue bird" was at the jelly so I hurried out to see. It had moved to the apple tree but I managed to snap a photo. (sorry it's blurry but I only had one chance before it flew off) It's an indigo bunting, not an official bluebird, but I'll take it. I'll have to read up to see what they like best to eat so maybe we can convince it to stick around. One of these days I'm going to try my hand at making a birdhouse that will attract birds, the ones we have don't seem to fit the bill for our local birds. But not today.
May 27--Italy, Majolica. "Don't put the salad on the green horse plate," Mama said. "The lettuce will blend in and it will look like a plate of toppings. Not appetizing at all." Mama had a large repertoire of things you shouldn't do for one obscure reason or another. Take that green horse plate. Please take it, really. I hate it, always have. I think it's the damn ugliest plate in captivity. Mama says we have to keep it, that it belonged to Great-aunt Fronie who had impeccable taste. I say that all of Great-aunt Fronie's taste had to be in her mouth if that hideous piece of earthenware is an example. I've seen Corelle plates I've liked better and I seriously dislike Corelle. Damned unbreakable stuff.
Time for some yogurt, granola and fruit, then I'm off to Stein's for pots, peat, and perlite. Hey, alliteration! There's digging in my future. Maybe I'll put off my shower for a while... Happy Memorial Day! Eat a hot dog for me.
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