I've got 2 more pairs of Avia fitness shoes winging their way to me this week. After the Rogan's guy told me that nobody's making them anymore, and I was reduced to buying Skechers, I bing-ed them and found a pair on Amazon Marketplace and one on eBay so I bought them both. Hey, I might as well store them and even with shipping costs they're less than half the full retail. The longer I can put off wearing "flat" shoes the happier I'll be. I wear regular tennis shoes to mow (the rocking sole doesn't work so well on the slope in the backyard) but that's the only time I do a lot of walking in the flat ones. Oh, I wear other shoes to work some days or to dress-up occasions but mostly I'm in tennis shoes. I have a casual life.
It was deader than a doornail at work yesterday. I didn't have one paying customer besides myself. (I put fresh batteries in my car remotes, and I have a credit so it cost me nothing.) A couple regulars stopped in but nobody bought anything and the only business call was a rental reservation for the weekend. Don't ask me how they stay in business, I ask myself that too and have no answer.
Writing was not to be last night. I glared at the Georgia O'Keefe painting of a cow skull and nothing came so I slammed the notebook shut and snuggled Durwood. Worked for me. Now I'm off to shower away my walking/mowing sweat and make sure all the clothes I want to pack for next weekend are clean.
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