Monday, September 27, 2010

Well, That Didn't Happen

There were no lazy days around here last weekend. None. Oh, there were lazy minutes, and even a lazy hour on Saturday (I took a little bike ride in the afternoon), but all in all, I was moving and doing all weekend. *sigh* Guess I've lost the knack. We aren't done sprucing up the other half of the duplex. There was a lot more cleaning that needed to be done (the stove and oven was, and still partially is, a nightmare) and a bunch that still needs to be done (wiping down all the kitchen cupboards). Anyone got a pair of rubber gloves, a bottle of Murphy's Oil Soap, one of Dawn Power Dissolver, a bucket, a sponge, and a free day? We could use a break. We're old-ish and sometimes creaky. DS and DIL came over and helped haul the old recliner and a desk chair to Goodwill, and a desk and bookshelf to our storage, and an exer-cycle to our bedroom for winter pedaling. We really appreciated their help and the chance to spend an hour with them on their only day off together this week. Thanks a heap, you guys! We love you lots.

September 26--Vieques. "If you are looking for someone, go to the Malecon on Sunday afternoon," said Arturo. The old man winked one walnut-colored eyelid and smacked his toothless gums. The Malecon is the promenade along the shore of the only town on this tiny island and it is lined with restaurants and bars. Everyone goes there, young men cruise in tricked out cars and trucks hooting and whistling at the clusters of young women there to be noticed. Couples stroll arm in arm and young marrieds show off their newborns, the proud papas swaggering a bit, as if they were the first man to procreate. Celine did not go to the Malecon to get noticed, she was looking for the man who cheated her out of her inheritance and broke her heart.

Time for breakfast and a shower. Make this week count.

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