Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Not Turning Into An Axe Murderer

Got the all-clear from my doc yesterday after a month on the new anti-depressants. I hate to say it but the chemicals are working much better than "natural" methods did, so I get to keep the pills for at least a year. Another bonus is that I'm on a much lower dose than the last one so I don't feel grayed-out or too blah like I did, I feel things, high and low, just not as deeply, paralyzingly low as before. Whew. I'm back to being my happy, enthusiastic, energetic self, thank god. Still not having a lot of writing inspiration but I can deal with that as long as I still write a little bit every day. And speaking of writing, here's some.

September 7--Cayo Levantado, Dominican Republic. The veranda of the hotel was a festival of Victorian Caribbean gingerbread architecture, all painted white. The spindles and the posts were lathe-turned and the lattice soffits dripped wooden lace like a petticoat peeking out from under a summer dress. Tea was laid every afternoon and guests would sit in the breeze generated by the slow-moving ceiling fans sipping fresh squeezed lemonade and iced tea steeped with mangoes, both of them were offered straight or improved by the spirits of the guests' choice. Most of the afternoon tea drinkers were women whose husbands were off golfing or fishing. By mid-week the women had agreed that afternoon tea was a civilized tradition they should probably institute at home.

Okay, then I'm off to get ready for work, but first I want to post on my knitting blog.

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