Some of her "quality" time with Dad was spent in what she called the "meatball sweatshop"

My knitting moved along nicely this week even with the distraction of gift finishing and gift wrapping and gift giving and gift opening (with no gift returning). I finally (it only took 10 months of not-intensive knitting) finished sock #1 of my first pair of socks using real skinny sock yarn and US3s. You can see I did cast on sock #2. I should have the pair to wear next fall if my timetable remains constant. DD is a great sock-knitting motivator, she zooms along using US2s and the thinnest of yarn, all the while wearing hand knit socks from her arsenal of completed pairs.

In the face of her sockitude I decided to give knitting two at once on 2 circs another try. She and I sat down together and talked our way through the instructions and pictures in this book. I'm nearing the 2" mark on the cuff which is zooming along for me. I'll keep going on these; I'm determined.

I worked on the second of four sections of the sari silk purse for my DIL. I hope to finish it and cast on #3 by bedtime.
And finally, you have to see the coolest Christmas present I got from DD. She borrowed a knitting machine and knit a piece of fabric 18" X 34" out of undyed light worsted weight yarn. Then she used squirt bottles filled with dye to draw a reef scene on it. My job is to unpick the end and unravel it while knittin

1 comment:
Honestly, I think it's more like 800 yards. I'll check the next time I'm at ReBelle; I (of course) have no idea what I did with the label. Regardless, I'm almost positive that Sarah told me that you should have enough there for 2 pairs of socks, if that's what you chose to do with it. That's a big bunch of yarn--imagine it's sweater parts and you'll see what I mean.
I'm so glad I got to spend so much wonderful time with you and Dad, and I'm also glad to be home! I love you guys. I'll talk to you soon.
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