Browsing the crochet books at Michael's I pulled one off the rack--Quick Crochet, Huge Hook--hmm, this could be interesting. The biggest surprise was a sample swatch that had thick & chunky yarn alternating with ladder yarn with a Q hook. Solid fabric and open fabric--in the same piece! And the sky didn't crack! That gave me ideas--I could use the novelty yarns I'd been unable to resist buying (on sale) in hats and scarves. Suddenly patterns were suggestions rather than commandments; I could change them and it wouldn't be wrong, just different, just creative. While I worked on my new ideas, it was hard to smoke as much as I had in the past. This was good.
Another pattern showed using that hairy yarn for something besides boas. They're cute but I can't knit and it seemed to me all that fuzz around your neck would be annoying. So I decided to use it to edge the turn-up single crochet rows on my easiest hat pattern. It worked--and looked good. Now I had another idea to keep my hands busy hooking and not lighting up.
I hadn't seen either of these before; they're very cool!
The scarf was my "break out" project. I used Wool-Ease Thick & Chunky black and some of that Hobby Lobby novelty yarn that is fuzzy and ladders and what looks like bare strings in between--and I crocheted it the long way. It's really way too long but I love it and the fringe is my favorite because I didn't trim it. The hat's really a bit too small for me and doesn't go with the scarf. I'll have to make a coordinating hat next fall.
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