This other squirrel took possession of the suet nuggets feeder and did its best to nibble down the nuggets. It hung there for a long time until the wind really picked up and the feeder started swinging. The Mourning Doves had a wonderful time riding the swinging platform feeder but I didn't get a picture.
A Downy Woodpecker landed on the suet cakes and hung there pounding away at the base of the cakes. I can't believe how hard they work to get a bite. All that hammering would give me a headache.
It took me until the afternoon to draw yesterday's gratitude journal page. I didn't have a lot to put on it but I was happy with and grateful for every item, especially crocheting with LC. She's really getting the hang of it. I'm so proud of her.
The flower today, the last flower of the challenge, was Peony. I'm happier with the paler flower and I like the lowest leaf on the left the best. Now I have to find another class or challenge to paint along with.
Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I worked a little on the Llama Gathering Hat. I added a few more rounds to the ribbing and then started the crown decreases but found following the chart too difficult when I was talking and listening. So I switched to crocheting on the pink owl but realized that it was just too big a project for me or OJ. I searched Ravelry and found a much smaller, much simpler owl pattern that I'll make and hope that it's more suitable for a beginner.
Tomorrow is the Market on Military and so I have to get up earlier than normal so I'm presentable. Fingers crossed I sell a book. The February dates were a bust. Here's hoping March is better.