Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Some Birds Showed Up Today

It didn't take the birds as long to discover that I'd filled the feeders as it did last time. This time the scout was a Nuthatch which stuck around just long enough for me to get the camera up and turned on before it flew away. I got a picture or two of a Chickadee or maybe two Chickadees (they all look alike to me) and this one took off just as I snapped the shutter. Blurry bird!

Then a pair of Sparrows landed on the tube feeder. They were the first of a small flock of Sparrows and a few Mourning Doves that pecked around at the fallen seed.

This is the last lesson in the new drawing book, Drawing Is For Everyone. I liked it when I drew the bird and branch with a fine-line marker. Then I colored it with watercolor markers and put on too much water so the color bled all out of the lines and smooshed together untidily. I will definitely be making another attempt at this one using a smaller brush and a lot less water.

Tonight was a knitting night at DM's house. She made sliders, KE brought cheese and crackers, CS brought homemade cookies, and I took a veggie and dip try. We did not starve. In fact we talked and talked and almost didn't get to knitting but we eked out a couple hours of knitting. The talking didn't stop though.

While the first part of the watercolor marker page was drying, I came back here and read and critiqued the first two submissions for next week's Novel Writing group's meeting. Only three more to come. I hope at least one or two of them come so that I can go over them on Sunday after DD leaves. Suddenly time before the next meeting seems short.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Even though the colors bled out of the lines, I still like that bird on the branch. It looks "arty" to me.