Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Not Quite as Cold

It got all the way up to 10 degrees today! That meant that the water I topped up the birdbath with didn't freeze immediately, it took maybe an hour, maybe more before it was all frozen again. And the sun shone a little in the afternoon, the wind dropped off too. Less wind makes a huge difference.

I don't know why but I'm fascinated by the cube of snow on the patio table. It's not quite as tall as it was when I got home on Saturday after Friday's blizzard but it's still impressive.

There was only one Sparrow on the platform feeder that I saw today. Maybe more came before I got up or when I wasn't looking but I'm always happy to see some life out there even on the coldest days.

I couldn't get the word "frigid" out of my head so that's what I printed out and colored in shades of blue and purple. It looks okay, I think.

Most of the afternoon I spent listening to an audiobook but I did pull out my sketchbook and 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly so that I could scribble down some figures. I think I like the little dragonfly in the upper left the best. I don't know why.

After soup for supper I finished knitting the Field of Dreams Dishcloth. I really like the colors of this cloth but I'm not all that happy with the size of it. Instead of stopping at 35 stitches in the center I went all the way to 45 like the pattern says and it just seems too big. I'll use it but it feels big. Now I've got to find another project or two before Friday Night Knitting because I've finished the two I had on the go.

They couldn't find a leak in any of my tires but they were all low so they pumped them up and changed the oil. Now I'm good for a couple more thousand miles or until the "check tire pressure" light comes on again. When I asked why they were all low, Jenny said "cold seep" so I guess it's a pretty common winter problem.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'm not surprised by that "cold seep" diagnosis from your mechanic. Paul said the same thing about my tires when that alert thing came up on the dashboard. Even down here, the tires notice if it gets cold. And our "cold" is nothing compared to yours!