Monday, January 29, 2024

I Filled the Feeders

But not until the afternoon and didn't see any birds. Saw one curious gray squirrel that tried his/her darnedest to get onto one of the feeders, any one, but kept getting knocked off by gravity or a bouncing Slinky. At one point he/she was soaking his/her bum in the birdbath. I didn't get a picture.

I succumbed to temptation and spent my other expiring-on-Friday Michaels voucher on a set of 24 permanent markers. I like the way the lesson turned out using the black Micron marker as the under drawing of yesterday's lesson but thought I might want to draw it again using color markers.  Besides that $5 voucher was expiring!

Today's Lesson 20 she called "river rocks." It was supposed to be calming and meditative. Not so much. I got bored making little circles and ovals in ever smaller Micron marker and then was supposed to color in more of them than I did. This is as good as it gets.

I knitted on the Cashmere Sophie scarf tonight after supper and finished the first 45 yd. ball of yarn. Finally. So I added on the next color. I added the new yarn at the end of a row so that I can run the ends into the I-cord edging and hide them easily.

I spent most of the day working on a little editing before I sent off my third submission to the Novel Writing Group. I cut out a few unnecessary sentences and did a little clarification of names because people have been commenting that "there are a lot of names to keep track of." And here I was assuming anyone who reads the sequel will have read the original first. Evidently I can't count on that.

It was another cloudy, dreary day. I went to Michaels to pick up my pre-ordered markers, to the birdseed store for supplies because I was flat out of seed, and to the pharmacy for a prescription. I was happy to find a close-up parking place at the grocery where the pharmacy is so I didn't have to be out in the cold wind for long. 34 degrees might be above freezing but it's not that warm.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That drawing does look like a river bed but, oh my goodness, so many circles and ovals. No wonder you got tired of drawing those. I agree -- above freezing is still very cold.