Tuesday, January 23, 2024

And Dreary

It got up to 32 degrees today. In fact, it's still 32 degrees and it's supposed to be a couple degrees warmer the rest of the week. Not many birds showed up today but I did spy a Nuthatch and a Sparrow on the suet pellets at the same time. They were looking in opposite directions so they didn't try to chase each other away.

This afternoon I did Lesson 15 in the new drawing book. This third of the book is all about drawing with inks of various kinds. Today's lesson was about filling in the spaces with hatching, cross hatching, stippling, and scribbling. I cued up an audiobook and kind of zoned out drawing lines and curves.

I spent most of the day setting up a GoDaddy website. The site I used to send out my monthly mailings won't accept free email providers anymore so I had to get a paid website and set up email though it. Now I didn't write down my new email address and password so I'll be calling GoDaddy again tomorrow for help recovering it. How foolish of me to think I'd remember it. I complained to one of the tech people that I spoke to today that I was struggling to set up my website and he offered that they could do it for me--for $800. Uh, no thanks, I'll figure it out.

And after almost 2 weeks I finally sunk my teeth into a Five Guys burger and fries. DS offered to bring me one when I was in the ER but the timing didn't work out and the idea has been hanging over me for all those intervening days. This evening after I returned the sensor gear from the Capsule Endoscopy to the hospital I drove straight over to Five Guys and got me one. Man, they aren't cheap but are so tasty. They even have grilled onions which I love on a burger.

I don't know how I managed to stay up this morning when my alarm went off at 5:15am but I did. And I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and got to the hospital on time. It only took about 20 minutes for the nurse to truss me up in the sensor belt and blinking receiver thing that had to hang around my neck for 12 hours so I was back home before it even got really light outside. Wearing that stuff prevented me from going back to bed but I managed to snatch a nap in the chair and another short one at the kitchen table. I hope I get the results soon so I can know where I stand in the great Red Blood Cell Disappearance Caper.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Waiting with bated breath for the outcome of the capsule endoscopy thing you endured yesterday. You definitely earned the Five Guys burger!!