Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Hippity Hop

I was finishing my breakfast this morning when I saw movement right outside the patio door. It was a bunny moving slowly along, nibbling on a leaf that had blown over the snow. It only took one nibble and spit it out. Must not have tasted good.

This morning was my second Novel Writing critique group meeting on Zoom. We used every minute of the two hours and I got a lot of comments that made me think about my chapters. I have a lot of rewriting to do this weekend.

In my never-ending desire for art supplies I got my latest Amazon order today. It's a package of 72 watercolor markers, double-ended too. I had a small set of 8 watercolor markers but this last section of the new drawing book uses a lot more than 8 colors of markers so I had to order more. Had to.

And then I used the markers to do Lesson 15 which she called Expressive Lines and Wash. It's another non-representational set of marker circles that are then dabbed with clear water to make the marker bleed into itself and the paper with some stippling and little flowers around the edge. I like this a lot better than the Magical Forest which was the final colored pencil lesson.

I got a surprise in the mail today. There was an envelope from Caramel Crisp bookstore in Oshkosh with a check inside because they sold two of my books! Hooray!

And I called GoDaddy and got help getting into my GoDaddy email account. I had to use one of those securely generated passwords that are a gobbledygook of numbers, letters, and symbols. There is no way that I will ever be able to memorize that but I wrote it down and told the computer to save it. God help me if I lose it.

Two weeks ago today I got slapped into the hospital and I'm still enjoying my ability to walk and breathe. I was on the phone with DS this morning and he asked if I had a big pipe wrench he needed for a project. I went downstairs, found the wrench, measured its gap, called him back, and walked upstairs carrying the wrench while talking on the phone and didn't get out of breath. An earth-shattering improvement. I thank the cardiologist every day for ordering the blood test and his lab for running the test so quickly. They truly saved my life.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Congratulations on the sale of your books. What a nice surprise to receive that check in the mail. Love that big package of watercolor markers. Glad you're having so much fun with those things. And a big THANK YOU to your doctors for saving your life. Definitely one worth saving!